Saturday 14 June 2014

How Microsoft has impacted my life and how I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?

Hello Blog readers,
I'm Ranjani Balu pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology affiliated by Anna University, Chennai.
How Microsoft has impacted my life?
 Windows which is the Microsoft's product is the first Operating System I have used in my life. It is "The Open Window" to my Carrier.
 To say about Microsoft in one sentence is "The way we think for Creating, Editing and viewing the document is the Microsoft". It is not only impacted in my life, it is the very powerful Operating System where the people can work who is not even having much knowledge about the computer.
 What Microsoft gives to the world?
                    Microsoft gives two things to the world.
            1. It is the first real PC software Industry.
            2. It creates the PC desk in every home.    
Microsoft Office
                      Today, Microsoft Office is the Game changer of the world. The Microsoft word is not the first word processor in the world, it is the most successful invention in the tech world. Imagine having to prepare a formal document without using the word. Imagine planning for the presentation without using the PowerPoint. Imagine doing a calculation without using the Excel.
                       Everything from Word to PowerPoint to Excel to Outlook to Publisher have changed the way we think about editing and viewing documents and presentations on a computer.
Microsoft Operating System

                       Microsoft OS is the more important than the Microsoft office program even for Microsoft from Revenue to Cultural Impact. Apple was the first company to make a commercially viable to make commercially viable PC, but it was not until the Windows PC finally entered in to the public imagination. Even we could install a Windows OS on anything that had IBM architecture to it. Microsoft is buggy to the software innovator.

Microsoft   XBOX

                      Today, Xbox has become a household name along with Windows and Office and takes up its benchmark with it and ended up being a robust success.
                         “Microsoft is shaping the Internet age” said by Bill gates.
                       As you can clearly see by these three examples alone, it is not for Microsoft, your life wouldn't run the way without Microsoft which it does today.
How I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?
                     If I get the opportune to be
 the part in this year Microsoft Student Associate program, I would akin to disseminate the technology to our youth and young minds to create good cognizance by conducting the various technological programs like workshops, Tech festive ,etc..Not only to create a good notion to my intra and inter college mates, but also to the resource less student in the middle schools and the incapacitated children in the orphanhoods .
Thanking you

With regards,